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S o a p 2 C l e a n  c r e e k s
S o a p 2 C l e a n  r i v e r s
S o a p 2 C l e a n  o c e a n s
S o a p 2 C l e a n  t h e  b o d y


We're not soap makers though...

We’re actually avid scuba divers, amateur kitesurfers, ocean-loving sailors, wildlife admirers and wild swimmers who saw firsthand the effects that pollution is having on the ocean, and because of all that, we became professional litter pickers.
Since we’re not a non-profit and don’t take donations, we sell soap as a means to continue our passion for cleaning and protecting our water. With every “Soap
2 Clean” sold, Blue2Blue Conservation is able to scrub 5 gallons of litter and plastics from where it doesn’t belong, which is where we love to be the most. This soap cleans the planet.

880 buckets or 4400 gallons of litter has not reached the oceans
because of support from eco-warriors like you.

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©2018 Blue2Blue Conservation.

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